30-A East – Vacant Lot Sector. Buckle up Buttercup. Time to Turn the Page.

The vacant lot sector in 30-A East has increased 100% since 2012. Wow. Values are increasing 25% per annum. But…

The vacant lot sector in 30-A East has increased 100% since 2012. Wow. Values are increasing 25% per annum.


1. These staggering, but not unprecedented, rates of increase cannot continue ad infinitum.
2. Supply and demand are not in balance.
3. There is a 17-month’s inventory.
4. Sales have steadily decreased each year since 2013.

Click Here to see the Custom One Page Analysis for the Vacant Lot sector in 30-A East Area.

BLT: “Turn the Page” by Bob Seager

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BBQ: “Consistency is not work ethic. Consistency creates momentum. Both result from long hours of hard work”
– by Bob Mims (It’s my quote, I thought it was too good not to share)