28 Million Investors. I’m a Real Estate Investor, You’re a Real Estate Investor. Mims is Your Investment Army!

Investors look at things differently. We don’t want a Realtor to tell us how nice the counter tops are, what a great neighborhood this is, etc. I want to know how much positive cash flow I can get. How motivated the seller is. And I want properties that have issues. What are the market extracted ...

Investors look at things differently. We don’t want a Realtor to tell us how nice the counter tops are, what a great neighborhood this is, etc. I want to know how much positive cash flow I can get. How motivated the seller is. And I want properties that have issues. What are the market extracted cap rates? What is my IRR? Can your Realtor calculate the banks’ DCR? Because that’s going to determine whether or not you get the $$$.

Mims is Your investor army. We are here to help you conquer the real estate investment nation! If you’re in investor, does your Realtor think like you? Is your realtor an appraiser? An Instructor? Have 14 years finance experience? An investor themselves. If the answer is no, you want a Mims Real Estate Advisor. We want to EARN your business. We want Your referrals. Contact Jennifer at 850-685-9898 to get started.

BBQ: “To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we’ve never done”by Anonymous

BLT: Seven Nation Army by White Stripes